*************** Data Formatters *************** Data and metadata from aggregation result can be transformed to one of multiple forms using formatters: .. code-block:: python formatter = cubes.create_formatter("text_table") result = browser.aggregate(cell, drilldown="date") print formatter.format(result, "date") Available formmaters: * `text_table` – text output for result of drilling down through one dimension * `simple_data_table` – returns a dictionary with `header` and `rows` * `simple_html_table` – returns a HTML table representation of result table cells * `cross_table` – cross table structure with attributes `rows` – row headings, `columns` – column headings and `data` with rows of cells * `html_cross_table` – HTML version of the `cross_table` formatter .. seealso:: :doc:`reference/formatter` Formatter reference